
Online XML E-Financial Statements Reader

Jak odczytać sprawozdanie XML? Bezpłatny czytnik JPK_SF

The free XML financial statements viewer is useful for opening and viewing electronic financial statements before they are submitted to the National Court Register. It is a quick and secure form of reading the content of financial statements.

Online XML E-Financial Statements Reader

In order to meet our Clients’ needs, the reader generates one complete document containing both XML tables and the annexes that have been read.

Submitting financial statements to the National Court Register is a key moment in the reporting period, so it is worth reading the e-financial statements before they are filed. The e-financial statements reader makes it possible to show the content of an XML file in PDF format. A file prepared in this way can be opened and read using generally available software (e.g. Adobe Reader or the MS Office or Libre Office suites). We recommend the reader to anyone who wants to verify the correctness of financial statements prepared in electronic form.

Online XML E-Financial Statements Reader

The software makes it possible to read unit financial statements in a quick and secure way using only the viewer, so your financial data are not stored or processed in any way by third parties. This allows you to freely view e-financial statements in XML format without the risk of disclosing any information.

How to open e-financial statements in XML format?

It’s easy. Click the button below to select the XML file with prepared financial statements. After confirming, you will see a complete PDF document ready for download.

Your financial statements contain annexes? Make sure they are in PDF format. In the case of problems with using the converter, feel free to contact us at

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*Supported formats: Other Entity in PLN, Small Entity in PLN, Micro Entity in PLN, Non-Governmental Entity in PLN.
**NOTE! The reader does not support financial statements with amounts in PLN thousands.

You don’t have an XML file yet and need help with preparing your financial statements or converting them into electronic format? MDDP Outsourcing experts in our accounting offices in Warsaw and Katowice are here to help! Feel free to contact us to get a full offer and quotation for our services.



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