O nas

Wojciech Radzikowski IT Manager

IT Manager in MDDP Outsourcing

Specialty: Building and development of financial and accounting systems and processes, data management and processing

I have been working in accounting for over 21 years. I started as an accountant and after getting 10 years of experience, I officially began my career in accounting system development and data processing. Thanks to the experience gained in accounting, I understand the so-called “business”, which makes communication and understanding much easier. In my work, I develop solutions that streamline the company’s operations. Above all, I concentrate on automation that increases the efficiency and effectiveness as well as minimizes costs. The main goal is to eliminate human labor and reduce the risk of errors. It is often possible thanks to creating adequate integrators or interfaces between programs or machines that replace manual work.

At MDDP Outsourcing office in Warsaw, I work on solutions that facilitate the work of the accountants. Both in the scope of implementation of new customers as well as in process streamlining and building. In my work, I am driven not only by the intent to increase efficiency and effectiveness but also safety. Thanks to the developed solutions, the organization improves its performance and eliminates the risks connected with business activity.

I have always placed importance on constant development. I eagerly learn new things and try to use the newly gained experience in my work. Recently, I have been interested in the application of artificial intelligence to streamline workflow.